
Smart Offer Case Study Shows 79X ROI!

July 25th, 2022

This week’s Behind the Wheel focuses on the impressive results dealerships have seen using sMedia’s simple and effective Smart Offer tool – to create a custom experience for potential buyers to convert more often. 

79X ROI from a lead tool is an impressive result, to say the least! But before we jump into those numbers, let’s explain why the dealerships using this tool are so excited about it. We’ll break it down into four categories: Time, Planning, Versatility, and Control.

You can make an update to your lead offers and push it live in minutes. Imagine being in a meeting with the team, and it’s decided that a specific offer or incentive needs to go on the site ASAP. You can create, present for approval, and publish that offer live before the meeting is done. No waiting on the website. No support or turnaround times, it’s done.

If you like to get all your plans set at the beginning of the month and move on, you’re in luck. You can schedule the publishing of your entire lead strategy so it automatically updates for you. No missed deadlines, no delays. Set it. Forget it.

Smart Offer is extremely flexible. You can identify the conversion path of the lead! You can customize the segmentation of your leads and send specific offers to different places with different naming conventions, really allowing you to flex your CRM’s potential. Put an offer on a single VDP (Yes, a customized lead form for one specific vehicle.) Have multiple offers with priority firing on a single URL. Trigger on Exit Intent. Be where you want, with the form you want, any time you want.

Many dealerships are looking to take more marketing in-house to avoid turnaround times and get the customization they need. Smart Offer gives you the keys to drive your lead generation strategy.

Now, let’s dig into those incredible results in our customer Case Studies:

  1. A 2022 – 90 day study of three Performance Automotive Group locations,  yielded 64 quality leads and 7 vehicles sold using a “New Vehicle Reserve” Smart Offer template, achieving an average cost per sale of $247.
  2. A follow-up study with two of those dealerships conducted over 30 days, used refined messaging and yielded 25 quality leads with 6 sales. One of the two locations achieved a cost per sale of $49 with over $15,000 in profit. Smart Offer delivered 79X ROI!
  3. A study of a Canadian auto group used just one of eight available Smart Offer templates at 43 of their locations, and sold 54 units, with an average cost per lead of $6.90, and an average cost per sale of $96

Smart Offer can help you get the right offer, in front of the right person, at the right time, and the results prove the profitability. Take control, save time, and plan a more profitable future leveraging the versatility of Smart Offer.

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