Marketing for Dealers

Connecting data and driving results

Discover the power of car dealership marketing and fuel your success today.

Car dealership marketing service.

What We Do

Maximize Your ROI with Targeted Marketing Solutions
Rev up dealership success.

Rev up Your Car Dealership's Success with Social Media Marketing

Our Social Media marketing services for dealers are designed to ignite your online presence, engage with your target audience, and drive unparalleled growth for your dealership. Harness the power of social media platforms to retarget shoppers, connect with potential buyers, and build brand dominance in the digital landscape.

Rev up your car dealership's success.
Unlock the power of data.
Unlock the power of data.

Unlock the Power of Data-driven Attribution with Attributely

Attributely is your ultimate solution for harnessing the power of data-driven attribution. Our cutting-edge platform empowers businesses to gain deep insights into the customer journey, understand the true impact of marketing efforts, and make informed decisions to drive significant growth and maximize ROI.

Supercharge Your Marketing Campaigns with Smart Offer

Smart Offer by sMedia is the game-changing solution that will revolutionize your marketing campaigns. Create highly personalized and targeted offers, driving customer engagement, boosting conversions, and maximizing your marketing ROI. Say goodbye to generic and one-size-fits-all promotions.

Supercharge Your Marketing Campaigns with Smart Offer

Smart Offer by sMedia is the game-changing solution that will revolutionize your marketing campaigns. Create highly personalized and targeted offers, driving customer engagement, boosting conversions, and maximizing your marketing ROI. Say goodbye to generic and one-size-fits-all promotions.

Supercharge your marketing campaigns


Partnered with the Top Advertising Platforms in the industry

By the Numbers

Discover the Power of Car Dealership Marketing: Fuel Your Success Today
Dealerships work with us
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What Our Clients Are Saying

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Frequently Asked Questions

All You Need to Know About sMedia

We work with dealerships of all types. Whether you sell cars, boats, bikes, trailers or RVs, we can help.

We work with dealerships in the US, Canada, and New Zealand!

We provide ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube, Microsoft/Bing, Amazon, and TikTok.

We offer 30 day cancellations for any of our products.

Yes, we offer SEO services through a third party that is exclusively partnered with sMedia.

All our Attributely customers receive a custom-built GA4 account that we manage and assist with maintaining an effective measurement strategy.

sMedia can cooperate with any OEM that allows for co-op that isn’t tied to a member-only program. Additionally, sMedia is a Certified Program Partner with multiple OEM’s, contact us for further information.

Yes, we offer several innovative tools that help dealerships. Smart Offer can generate more high-quality leads. Attributely is a business intelligence platform that helps connect sales and marketing data to calculate ROI and improve the customer experience. We offer micro targeted direct mail services. We offer a free GA4 audit, and as mentioned previously, we offer SEO services.

sMedia was formed 12 years ago and has been growing ever since.

sMedia is a very hands-on company. Our Solutions Consultants are not interested in selling you anything that won’t help you achieve your goals. We have dedicated implementation and support teams that ensure any challenges are addressed immediately. Our Customer Success Managers are available, will meet with you regularly, and will try to help you improve your marketing performance, even if it’s regarding a product we aren’t providing.

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We’d love to help you exceed your sales and marketing goals.